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Programs & Services

Outreach Therapy Services

The Outreach Therapy Program provides occupational therapy and physiotherapy services to preschool-aged children (from birth to when they start school) in their natural environments. This means the child may be seen at home, at daycare or in their preschool program. Service is provided with the Children’s Therapy Initiative (CTI) in many health regions in Manitoba in partnership with the Regional Health Authority service team and the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities.

Services are provided using a consultative and collaborative model. Therapists work as team members along with the child, parents, siblings, childcare providers, case managers and others. The child and family are at the centre of the team, with their goals and needs being the focus of the program plans. Learn about our different programs below.

First Nations Therapy Services

Overview of program:

Therapy services (occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language therapy) are delivered under the Jordan’s Principle – Child First Initiative by RCC and our partners. They are for preschool children, children who do not attend school, and for the home needs of school-aged children. These services are for children living in First Nations Communities. This program is funded by the Federal government.

Working with the Jordan’s Principle team, therapy services are provided in the community for children and their families.

What to expect during your visit:

Therapists will:

  • Work together with family and the community team
  • Complete assessments
  • Give suggestions to use in the home and community
  • Give education and training

Occupational Therapists can help with these things:

  • Hand skills for play and everyday tasks (like holding a bottle or holding a crayon)
  • Paying attention
  • Making and playing with friends (learning to take turns, playing peek-a-boo)
  • Learning to listen
  • Learning to calm down
  • Learning new play skills
  • Eating, dressing, using the toilet
  • Home and community access for wheelchair or walker users

Physiotherapists can help with these things:

  • Moving – rolling, crawling, and walking
  • Learning to sit
  • Coordination, strength and balance
  • Jumping and running
  • Catching and throwing a ball
  • Movement games
  • Using special equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers

Speech Language Pathologists can help with these things:

  • Using words
  • Understanding words
  • Making sounds for speaking
  • Speaking in sentences
  • Making friends
  • Technology for communication

Meet your team:

This program is provided by Registered Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech-Language Pathologists.

How to access the program:

These services are for preschool children, children who do not attend school, and for the home needs of school-aged children. These services are for children living in First Nations Communities.

Referral for therapy services can be made by Jordan’s Principle staff, doctors, nurses, CFS, daycare staff, and families.

Find and contact us:

You can contact us at (204) 258-6725.

Program funder:

This program is funded by the Federal government.

Outreach Therapy

Overview of program:

The Outreach Therapy Program provides occupational therapy and physiotherapy services to preschool-aged children in their natural environments. Children may be seen at home, daycare or preschool. Service is provided jointly with the Children’s Therapy Initiative (CTI) in many health regions in Manitoba.

Using a solution-focused approach, therapists help families make goals for their child. Therapists provide resources to guide families in reaching their goals. The therapists also work with other service providers to support the family.

What to expect during your visit:

You will receive a phone call from the Outreach Therapy program to schedule visits. This is a community-based program, and the location is decided on by you and your service provider.
Therapists use standardized measures, interviews, questionnaires, observations and playful activities to assess the needs of your child and family.

Occupational Therapists can help with these things:

  • Hand skills for play and everyday tasks (like holding a bottle or holding a crayon)
  • Paying attention
  • Making and playing with friends (learning to take turns, playing peek-a-boo)
  • Learning to listen
  • Learning to calm down
  • Learning new play skills
  • Eating, dressing and using the toilet
  • Home and community access for wheelchair or walker users

Physiotherapists can help with these things:

  • Moving – rolling, crawling, and walking
  • Learning to sit
  • Coordination, strength and balance
  • Jumping and running
  • Catching and throwing a ball
  • Movement games
  • Using special equipment (like wheelchairs and walkers)

Meet your team:

This program is provided by Registered Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.

How to access the program:

This program is for children from birth to when they start school, which is usually when they are 5.

Referrals are made through the Children’s Therapy Initiative. Doctors, nurses, other professionals, child care providers, nursery school teachers and parents can make a referral.

Find and contact us:

You can call RCC Outreach Therapy at 1-855-884-8384.

Program funder:

This program is funded by the Manitoba Department of Families.

School Therapy Services

Overview of program:

The goal of the School Therapy Services (STS) Program is to provide occupational therapy and physiotherapy services to children in schools. We support inclusion of students with special needs in educational settings, and we enhance the students’ abilities to access, participate in and benefit from their school experience.

Therapists work as part of a school team to provide individualized programming for children. They provide assessments, intervention plans, consultation and monitoring of programs. Therapists also help develop the Individual Education Plan (IEP) when needed.

What to expect during your visit:

This is a school-based program where therapists and school teams decide when and how often to have visits. Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists work as members of the school team to support learning programs for children with therapy needs. The therapist(s) assess your child’s needs and work with the school staff on a program for your child. The school staff will help your child practice their skills or exercises during the school day.

Occupational Therapists can help with these things:

  • Hand skills for play and everyday tasks (like holding a bottle or holding a crayon)
  • Paying attention
  • Making and playing with friends (learning to take turns, playing peek-a-boo)
  • Learning to listen
  • Learning to calm down
  • Learning new play skills
  • Eating, dressing and using the toilet
  • Home and community access for wheelchair or walker users

Physiotherapists can help with these things:

  • Moving – rolling, crawling, and walking
  • Learning to sit
  • Coordination, strength and balance
  • Jumping and running
  • Catching and throwing a ball
  • Movement games
  • Using special equipment (like wheelchairs and walkers)

Meet your team:

Registered Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists provide this service in schools.

How to access the program:

Your child’s school team will make a referral to School Therapy Services when Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy services are recommended. The school will get your consent for services before making the referral for therapy services. You may talk to the resource teacher or principal at your child’s school to find out if a referral can be made. The therapist(s) will give you details about the service provided for your child through written reports and at school meetings. They can answer your questions at any time.

Find and contact us:

Our offices are located at SSCY Centre. You can call us at (204) 258-6725.

Program funder:

This program is funded by School Divisions in Manitoba that choose to use the program offered by the Rehabilitation Centre for Children. Many School Divisions hire their own therapists directly.