Limb Difference Clinic
Limb Difference Clinic is a multi-disciplinary program that provides family centered care to children and youth with a congenital or acquired limb difference.

Limb Difference Clinic is a multi-disciplinary program that provides family centred care to children and youth with a congenital or acquired limb difference. The care team includes Physiotherapists, an Occupational Therapist and Certified Prosthetists. Frequency of visits is determined based on the goals and needs identified with the family and care team.
The following types of limb differences are seen by our team:
- Congenital (from birth) differences in the presentation of the upper and lower limb
- Acquired amputation of the following levels:
- trans humeral
- trans radial
- trans femoral
- trans tibial
- hip disarticulation
- shoulder disarticulation
- partial hand or foot
- Traumatic amputations related to an injury or disease
This program is funded by WRHA, Manitoba Health and the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.
What To Expect During Your Visit
Our clinic is in the Prosthetics & Orthotics department on the second floor of the SSCY Centre. When you come through the main doors of the centre, the front receptionist can help direct you to the elevators. You will take the elevator to the 2nd floor and check-in at the front desk as you exit the elevator. The clinic assistant will check your contact information and take you to a treatment room where our limb difference team will meet you. Appointment times are generally 90 minutes.
Meet Your Team
Certified Prosthetists, Occupational Therapists (OT) and Physiotherapists from the limb difference team will review your child’s history and previous therapy or prosthetic involvement with you. We will complete an assessment of range of motion, strength, function, and gait analysis, and discuss goals regarding function and participation. Following this assessment, we will discuss potential prosthetic options or therapy programs that will help meet your needs and achieve identified goals. If there is a need for a new prosthesis, we will outline a plan for the fabrication of the new device. If it is determined that your child requires an x-ray or surgical consultation, our team will communicate with a designated Orthopedic Surgeon and arrange a consultation with them.
How To Access The Program
Referrals are accepted from a primary health care provider submitted on our RCC Clinic Intake Form. Our fax number is (204) 474-2387. Families can also self-refer or inquire about our clinic by contacting our Clinic Coordinator at (204) 258-6661.