Applying For Research Access
Research conducted at RCC, located at SSCY Centre, is reviewed and approved by members of the RCC Research Department and affiliated RCC staff. Research Access review and approval is required for all research conducted at RCC, including studies requesting:
- site access for recruitment/data collection
- space onsite/staff time
- access to RCC electronic medical records, including authorization of data disclosure for data collection, transfer, merging and storage.
Research projects conducted at RCC must align with the organization’s mission, vision and values. Researchers will be required to participate in a variety of knowledge translation activities to share research results with families, health care providers, managers, and the public.
You can review our guidelines and application form here:
The RCC Research & Evaluation Committee will review all research access submissions with an emphasis on issues such as:
- Merit of the proposal
- Alignment with RCC’s mission, values, and principles
- Inclusion of appropriate participant populations
- Evidence of appropriate consultation with relevant population(s)
- Benefits, risks, time requirements, and compensation to participants
- Research methodology
- Credentials of the researcher team members including affiliation with RCC/ENNRICH
- Presence of ethical approval
- Adherence to relevant privacy regulations and a data access and disclosure plan (e.g. PHIA, Shared Health Impact Approval, Data Access & Disclosure Plan)
- Impact on RCC/SSCY Centre resources (including personnel, equipment, and space)
- Involvement of appropriate SSCY Network partners
Please submit the following documents (as applicable) to the SSCY Centre Research Associate (electronic submissions are preferred, to [email protected]):
- RCC Research Access Application Form
- Provincial Health Research Privacy Committee (PHRPC) approval
- Research protocol
- Participant informed consent form (ICF)
- Participant assent form
- Questionnaires or other materials (such as a study cover letter) to be given to participants
- Data collection forms
- Advertisements and other recruitment materials (including posters, social media posts, recruitment scripts, etc)
- Budget
- Current Principal Investigator CV (REB CV is acceptable)
- REB submission form
- REB certificate of final approval
- Approval letters from other institutions where the project will be conducted (e.g. Health Sciences Centre or St Boniface Hospital)
- Health Canada Letter of No Objection
- Clinical Trials Registry number
Other things to note:
- Ethical approval is required, but is not a guarantee of approval from the RCC Research & Evaluation Committee
- PHRPC is required for data use, but does not guarantee data disclosure
- All applications must include a knowledge translation (KT) plan to share study results and impact with SSCY Centre families, staff, and management
- Review our KT page for more information
- The layperson summary (question 17 on the RCC Research Access Application Form) must be appropriate for a variety of audiences, and will be posted on the Research Walls at SSCY Centre and on the RCC website
- For research conducted at a SSCY Network partner facility that is not SSCY Centre, the PI is responsible for obtaining all required approvals
- The PI may consult with the RCC Research & Evaluation Committee for clarification or guidance regarding which approvals are required and how to obtain them