May 9, 2024
The Early Motor Clinic (EMC) started in 2019 for early identification of cerebral palsy (CP) due to international recommendations. The goal was to avoid delays and provide early support for children suspected of having CP in Manitoba. However, the EMC has been seeing...
May 9, 2024
About 2.5 million Canadians have a rare disease, and the majority of these individuals are children. Rare diseases are hard to diagnose because many people, including some healthcare providers, aren’t familiar them. Because of this, parents and caregivers of children...
May 9, 2024
This national survey will help us understand how groups of people involved in child development and rehabilitation connect with others to share and use knowledge. The findings will be used to create strategies to support connections that help move knowledge into...
May 9, 2024
This study focuses on understanding how we can adapt and prepare the BRIGHT coaching program for use in healthcare settings. BRIGHT Coaching is a program for parents or caregivers who have a child on a waitlist for a child development intervention, assessment, or...
May 9, 2024
The ‘F-words for Child Development’ (Functioning, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, Future) provide a family-centered, strengths-based, holistic approach to child health and development. For the study, you will choose to complete one of two versions of the online F-words...